Self Assessment Essay

Yusuf Sahak

Writing For the Sciences


Pamela Stemberg

Self Assessment Essay

A wise person once told me that “Writing will always be another language to you because you will write for the rest of your life”, I didn’t believe this person until I got older and had to start writing and creating resumes, college letters, cover letters for jobs and more essays for school. I always found myself as a decent writer, not an immaculate writer but certainly above average. I have a sense of writing that not a lot of people have, a sense in the case that I write anything with passion and meaning towards. Every writer has their flaws, whether it could be grammar, capitalizations, run on sentences, etc.. My flaws as a writer are getting so deep into my writing that I actually feel and know what I’m writing about and putting so much passion and effort that I don’t slow it down. I also don’t  notice the grammar mistakes or the miscapitalizations and run on sentences. I guess you could add I could work on proofreading and checking over my writing to make sure I don’t cause those mistakes. This class has taught me a lot about writing, from stopping to summarize and start to write more about research. 

Our first assignment for this class was the “Reading Primary Literature” assignment. This assignment helped us read an article and pluck out specific things such as the url, key words, the general subject of the article, the specific subject, the hypothesis, methodology, results and many other things. This assignment helped us focus on citing and plucking out details and specific things about articles and finding information for ourselves. 

The next assignment we had to do was the “Children’s Book”. This assignment was fun in the sense we showed off our creativity. My group and I’s topic was Mental Health and we decided to talk about different types of mental illnesses including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. We used this website to create our designs for our children’s book, did research on what to write for our children’s book, including the symptoms and behavioral issues. Each of us had roles and meeting times where we would talk and discuss our plans. I could not have asked for a better group. 

The 3rd assignment of the course was the “Literature Review”. This assignment was also required to work in our group. This assignment asked us to have our main topic which is “Mental health” and break it into different categories and answer the questions, “Why is this topic worth researching”,”what topics are covered in order and why” and we had to compare and evaluate our studies in the end. Each of us had to write a minimum of 5 pages, though this was the most lengthy paper we had to write, it was still fun because we worked as a group and helped each other out in the process. 

Our final assignment of the course was our “Public Awareness Campaign”. This assignment required us to create a website, an infographic, create blog posts, and make social media accounts and make posts about our topic. This final assignment was also a group assignment and again, I had the best group. My group and I were organized, on time, and were always serious about our work but had our fun time here and there talking about random things. Each of us also had roles in this assignment from creating the infographic, the social media, the website and our blogs. 

To sum up this course, it was indeed an amazing course to take with an amazing teacher and classmates. From the very first assignment to the last, working with my peers on the assignments and the encouragement and support from my professor, This class has honestly been a breeze and I mean that in a way where it took a load off the stress from my other classes such as chemistry and math.