Children’s Book

Mental-Health-Matters.pdf ( for the full book with pictures

















 Jimmy’s Mood Swings


Narrator: Jimmy is a young boy who suffers from a mental illness called Bipolar Disorder. It is very common and can be treated with medicine and therapy. Jimmy has these mood swings where he is happy then his mood changes in an instant. 

Mom: Good morning jimmy, how did you sleep?

Jimmy: I slept good mom, thanks for asking

Mom:Want to come downstairs and have some breakfast?

Jimmy:Coming right down

[Jimmy changes his clothes and brushes his teeth and goes downstairs]

Mom:I made you your favorite, pancakes with blueberries

[Jimmy stares at the pancakes]


[Jimmy runs back upstairs to his room]

[Jimmy lays in his bed crying]

Mom:Are you okay Jimmy? 

Jimmy:I’m sorry mom, I didn’t mean to yell at you 

Mom:It’s okay son, I understand. Sometimes you just get this change of feelings and you can’t help it. You are happy one minute and out of nowhere you become sad or angry.

Jimmy:EXACTLY! [jimmy sighs] what is wrong with me mom

Mom:Nothing is wrong with you son, a lot of people are just like that and it is perfectly normal, you just need to focus on yourself and control your feelings okay?

Jimmy: Thank you for understanding mom, I love you.

                          THE END